#14 聊聊最近live体验:电子乐认爹和“白左大阴谋"

//主播 Ricky Brad Dylan

//题图 Dylan

//文案 Dylan

三个主播这次聚在一起回顾了近半年时间里各自的音乐现场演出体验,聊聊在live里感受到的能量和感动。从让Ricky为了追随Radiohead情怀一场变阳的The Smile,到跨越年龄层让电子音乐爱好者们集体认爹的Kraftwerk,Live音乐确实让我们更好地“live”。穿插在聊天里,也聊到代表英国后脱欧时代吉他音乐的年轻乐队们,在不同演出现场看到的迥异人群画像以及关于选择所生活城市的种种想法。最后希望大家早日能在自己向往的现场里,释放、享受。

//歌曲 Songs:

Intro: The Smile - You Will Never Work In Television Again A Light for Attracting Attention

07:04: The Smile - The Smoke

24:09: Black Country, New Road - Up Song (Live)

33:32: Black Midi - Sugar/Tzu

38:08: Black Midi - The Race Is About To Begin

46:37: Black Midi - Love Story

52:36: Jeff Mills, Jean-Phi Dary & Prabhu Edouard - Tomorrow Comes The Harvest

1:13:46: Peggy You - Starry Night

1:15:38: The Kraftwerk - The Robots

1:19:11: The Kraftwerk - The Model

1:22:49: 周启生 - The Model

1:25:36: The Routes - The Model

1:31:15: Haai & Jon Hopkins - Baby, We’re Ascending

Outro: Snapped Ankles - Johnny Guitar Calling Gosta Berlin


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